Enzymes in detergent?

    Do we really need enzymes in our detergents? When detergents and washing powders were first invented, there were no enzymes. They didn’t come into play until the 1980s, but certainly did so with a bang and this type of additive has been taken for granted ever since. But what is an enzyme in layman’s terms and how does it work?

    What is an enzyme?

    Enzymes are proteins that break down or transform other substances. In detergents, a mixture of enzymes is used to break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. If there are no stains to be removed, enzymes can also break down the fibres in textiles.

    How do enzymes work?

    Have you noticed your tongue tingling when you eat pineapple? That is an enzyme called papain kicking in! In detergents, enzymes are tasked with dissolving stains and they are tailored to react with and break down certain substances. The so-called lipases break down fat stains, whereas proteases break down proteins. Amylase, a natural component of our saliva for instance, dissolves carbohydrate stains. So, in principle, you could spit a little bit of saliva on a dried potato stain if you feel that’s your thing.

    At Laundry Society, we can’t actually come up with good enough reasons to use enzymes. Our detergents are designed to be gentle on your clothes and keep them clean and fresh by using natural ingredients, which is why our detergents and laundry sprays can be used by vegans too. Our stain remover is based on methods used prior to adding enzymes to every washing powder and liquid detergent.

    You treat each stain individually with our Stain Away No. 72. Take a small amount of Stain Away and cover the stain. If required, rub it in using our stain brush and wash as normal. This works on most common stains. Should you manage to pull a stunt like dropping blueberries on a white dress, which after both stain remover and ordinary wash still doesn’t come out quite right, just watch this space as we are launching a new product that will take care of this sort of issue.
    Stains – nothing but a distant memory!


    Fabric spray vs Linen water

    What is Fabric spray and Linen water?

    There are different kind of fabric fresheners on the market today and it could be difficult to choose. And how does they work? We will try to explain.

    Let’s begin with Linen water. This is scented water and way back it was often a scent of lavender. Linen water will freshen up the scent of linen that have been in the closet for a longer period of time. Originally Linen water is a residue from producing lavender oil. These originally Linen waters are rare to find nowadays.

    The Fabric spray from Laundry Society is a kind of washing in a spray, on the go. It is highly refreshing and have light cleaning effects. Can be used as a Linen water or/and for its functions.

    All Fabric sprays from Laundry Society also have a function, that is conformed to the fabrics. For example cotton, viscose or denim, with anti-static or anti-odor function.

    Fabric sprays will help you to prolong time between machine washes, keeping your garments fresh and neat much longer.

    How to do
    Fabric sprays from Laundry Society is to be used on clothes that have been worn, but not soiled. With higly refreshing and light cleaning effects, it will balance the micro biological environement on the fabrics, preventing the growth of bacteria.

    A you can see, there are different kind of fabric freshener, from scented water to advanced biotechnic for our garments. The most important thing here is that the movement have started, the movement to do less machine washes! We at Laundry Society  celebrate the wash spray revolution to save the garments, the time and the planet.

    Spray on folks!

    Wash jeans with spray



    Tvätta jeans – Jeans ska inte tvättas så ofta. Selvage denim ska undvika tvätt överhuvudtaget.
    Varför ska man inte tvätta jeans och hur gör man då när ens favorit jeans börjar kännas ofräsha?
    Nu finns äntligen en tvättspray lösning för att slippa tvätta dina brallor i maskin och samtidigt behålla otvättade looken.
    Laundry Society har utvecklat en Tvättspray för att fräscha upp dina denim kläder utan att behöva tvätta i maskin. Tvättspray No 501 är speciellt framtagen för användas till alla typer av denim.

    Doften är både mjuk och grov på samma gång och påminner om slitstyrkan man hittar i jeansmaterial men ger inte känslan av nytvättat. Och det är lite av grejen. Eftersom dina jeans inte är nytvättade vill du heller inte ha en sådan doft på. Tvättspray Denim No 501 har an antibakteriell funktion för att ta död på bakterier som kan orsaka mindre god doft. Dessutom sätter vi vår denim doft på tyget och du kan känna dig fräsch i dina jeans igen även om det gått 2 år som dom inte fått en tvätt på.
    Häng upp dina jeans spraya med Tvättspray Denim No 501. Redo för använd igen inom ett par minuter igen. Snabbt, säkert och enkelt.

    Torrtvätta Jeans:
    Tvättspray ligger i linje med hur jeansföretagen arbetar.
    Selvage denim med en vävning av vit och blå tråd enligt en viss struktur. Det blir ett väldigt snyggt slitstarkt material, jeans är ju är väldigt tåligt. När man tvättar sina jeans första gången så blöder den blå trådens färg över på den vita tråden och jeansens karaktäristiska utseende tonas ner. Vid fortsatt tvättande försämras look och slitstyrka ytterligare. Jeansföretag, värda sitt namn, rekommenderar dig att låta jeansen förbli otvättade och se det schyssta i att låta sina jeans slitas in och bli följsamma. Med Tvättspray denom No 501 blir dina jeans personliga. Det är lite som att gå in sina skor.

    Tvättspray – Antiseptic Denim No 501


    Start drip-dry your laundry

    Leaving your clothes to drip-dry on a clothesline is the most natural approach.  

    Many homes run all the laundry through the tumble dryer, but the fact is that you hardly need that to dry your washing. Previously the tumble dryer was needed to distribute down and feathers evenly in duvets, pillows and jackets, but nowadays the manufacturers don’t use down as much for ethical reasons. Another positive side effect of that presents itself, namely that there is no longer any need for us to use the tumble dryer.

    Less tumble-drying and more drip-drying have many positive aspects. The clothes are cared for in a gentler way and for those of you who have used the tumble dryer, you can probably recall how much fluff you have to retrieve from that little fluff compartment at the end of each cycle, which proves that tumble-drying really isn’t all that kind to the fabric. You also save energy as the tumble dryer wastes a lot of energy. Totally unnecessary energy too, when you think of the fact that the laundry load will dry perfectly fine in normal room temperature or even better outdoors in the fresh air, letting a breeze caress your clothes.

    By investing in a few metres of clotheslineor a drying rack to hang the washing on, you can extend the lifespan of your textiles. And, while you’re at it, get yourself a bunch of colourful pegs and some coat hangers too.

    Kaisa, head developer at Laundry Society

    “When I drip-dry the laundry I use simple metal coat hangers I have got from the Dry Cleaner! 

    You can also buy them quit cheap from stores. I call them my dry-coat-hangers.

    Using coat hangers help you get less crease on blouses, t-shirts and shirts etc. while they drying. Simple as that to attend to the new, natural way of drying your laundry!”

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